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R.C.A. Limited was originally incorporated as "The Raneegunge Coal Association Limited" in the year 1899. The company was a well respected in the field of coal mining and was producing more than 15,00,000 tonnes of quality coking coal per annum. Subsequent to nationalization of the Coal Mines by Government of India in 1972, the business of coking coal vested in Government of India and the company ventured into a new business area as "Non Banking Financial Company". In line with the new business the company's name was changed to R.C.A. Limited with effect from 5th March 1997.
R.C.A. Limited continues to be a NBFC company though operations on a limited scale. The company holds substantial investments from where it receives income regularly. The company has maintained uninterrupted record of payment of dividend to it's shareholders since last several years.